Not every car accident involves two or more vehicles. Single car accidents are common due to unsafe roads, animals crossing the road, etc., causing the car to roll over or hit a stationary object. If a driver dies, it can be hard to know the cause of the crash. Were they texting, DIU, tired, or speeding? Understanding how a single accident occurs can help you drive safely.
Hitting An Animal
Deer and other wildlife can unexpectedly jump in front of your vehicle if you are driving near woods and fields. If you see one, slow down and try to brake safely. Always be mindful of road signs for warnings. However, if you are injured after hitting an animal, talk to your lawyer. A good attorney will guide you in such cases and other injuries such as construction accidents, medical malpractice, and truck and bicycle accidents.
Driving Under the Influence Of Drugs
Sometimes, single-vehicle accidents are caused by an intoxicated driver. Drunken driving is dangerous because it impairs the motor skills of a driver and makes it difficult to make quick decisions on the road. As a result, a driver may lose control of the vehicle at high speeds and crash into an object.
Mechanical Problems
A mechanical fault, such as a faulty tire or brake failure, could cause you to lose control of your car and easily veer off onto the roadside or hit an object. Always consult a professional mechanic to check the brakes and tires regularly.
Bad Weather
Rain, sleet, or snow can make it harder to see hazards on the road. The sudden change in visibility makes it difficult to judge what’s coming up or behind you. Visibility is reduced by water, which can be a hazard if it’s running across the windshield or if there’s ice on the road. The National Weather Service is responsible for issuing winter storm warnings. Always check the weather, and if it worsens, stop until the road is clear.
Speeding is the leading cause of most single-car accidents in the US. It is estimated that around 40% of all car accidents involve some form of speeding. Exceeding the speed limit and not stopping at red lights are common causes of single-car accidents. This is because a speeding driver cannot control the car if there’s an obstacle or emergency.
Distracted Driving
The use of cell phones and other distractions in cars is also a major cause of single-car accidents. Some drivers text, call, watch videos, eat or drink and try to adjust the radio when driving, leading to distractions.
Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is among the leading cause of single-car accidents. According to the NHTSA, reckless driving can be defined as speeding, driving erratically, weaving in and out of traffic, or not stopping at a red light. In short, any action that is likely to put others on the road in danger is reckless driving.
Drowsy Driving
Many people do not realize how dangerous it can be to drive while tired or sleep-deprived. When you are tired, your reaction times become slower, and you are much more likely to cause an accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that drowsy driving causes 100,000 crashes each year and about 1,500 deaths annually.
Driver’s Error
A single-vehicle accident may be caused by the driver simply losing control of the vehicle due to inattention or overcorrecting while attempting to navigate a turn. A driver may also lose control if they drift off the shoulder of the road. This can cause them to swerve into oncoming traffic or flip the car.
When you’re driving, you have a responsibility to your passengers and other drivers on the road. You need to drive carefully and responsibly to ensure everyone’s safety. If you don’t, you could end up in a single-car accident, injure or kill someone else.