You can file a lawsuit for personal injury if you are injured in an accident in order to get compensation from the person who is responsible for the accident. It may seem very intricate for you if you have never filed a personal injury claim before. In contrast, it will be straightforward for you to file a personal injury lawsuit if you have filed done so formerly because you already know what you need to go through.
If you still need more information about it, we have provided step-by-step guides to help you learn the process of filing a personal injury claim.
Seeking Medical treatment
The first crucial step after an injury is getting medical treatment. Some people may not feel like seeking treatment immediately after being injured in an accident, but taking therapy is one of the most appropriate actions after being injured in a crash. Although you may not feel any pain or trouble instantly after the accident, you may find yourself in serious condition within a year.
Moreover, you need to keep in mind that avoiding medical treatment will serve as a deterrent for seeking compensation. The insurance company of the responsible party will claim that you did not pursue medical treatment after the accident and tried to manipulate the cruelty of your injury by asking a higher amount.
Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney
You will be able to recover the full cost of your treatment with the help of a personal injury lawyer if you have been affected in a critical accident and if your injury treatment is ongoing or involves multiple hospital visits.
However, you need to contact at least one person with whom you can discuss your case if you cannot afford a personal injury lawyer like Krasney Law. Besides, you may not have the necessary data to file a lawsuit unless you are aware of the specific terms and limitations of the lawsuit.
Gathering of Information and Getting Treated for Your Injuries
You should continuously receive treatment and collect the data about all other damages including your medical expenditures as soon as possible. Also, contact your doctor to find out the full information of your injury and try to find out what treatment you may need continuously. If you want to file a personal lawsuit, you will need to collect all the medical records and invoices from doctors, keep all the documents of lost wages and try to estimate the loss of your personal property or vehicle, etc.
Negotiating a settlement
To be honest, dealing with a personal injury requirement is like negotiating with a used car dealer. People of the respondent’s insurance company know how much they want to invest, and as a claimant, you also know how much you are willing to accept, So both parties are aware of the worth of the case, but not aware of what others think about the matter. Therefore, you will enter into a back-and-forth process until you have negotiated an amount that is acceptable for both parties or filed a lawsuit that continues to trial.
Settlement Is Reached or a Lawsuit Is Filed
If you and your attorney could reach a settlement of the negotiation with the defendant, you may accept the offer. In contrast, you will be able to sue the defendant for damages if he does not come up with an acceptable offer.
However, there are statutory limitations on how long you can wait to claim your injury. You are not allowed to file a personal injury lawsuit and lose the opportunity to be compensated for the injury if you did not file a claim before the statute of limitations expires.
Filing a lawsuit
It is not necessary to sue the respondent if all can be settled in the agreement between the parties. However, if the earlier step did not work out, your personal injury lawsuit will increase your chances of success in getting compensated if you understood the trial process.