More than 1.5 million people visit the emergency room due to car accident injuries, according to the survey. Accidents can happen to anyone, and that is why it is essential to know what you should do after a car accident that is not your fault. After a car accident, it is important to get medical help, call the police and contact the insurance company. If you were not at fault, it is a good idea to consider suing the other party’s insurer to get the compensation you deserve for the losses. If you want compensation for your car accident, speak with an attorney.
What should you do?
A vehicle accident can be a stressful experience, so it is hard to remember what to do after a car accident that is not your fault. You should make a checklist outlining the crucial first steps.
After the accident, ensure your own safety and the safety of others. Steps that you should take include the following:
- Move your vehicle to the side of the road if possible
- Call 911 if you or anyone is injured
- Call the police to provide an accident notice
The most important thing is preventing anyone else from being injured and minimizing the damage you and the passengers incur.
- Gather information
You will have to ensure that you have proper legit evidence about the occurrence of the crash if you are not at fault in the accident. Car accidents can be serious and involve lots of financial pressure. You should collect phone numbers, email IDs, addresses, etc., of the drivers, passengers, and witnesses involved in the accident. Take photographs of the scene. Take the contact details of the police officer. Also, do not forget to take a copy of the accident report from the officer.
- Visit the doctor
For every personal injury case, you should visit the doctor to check yourself for further health issues. People get into shock after an accident, and due to it, severe symptoms do not show up immediately. Therefore, visiting a doctor is important as they can check for issues and give you treatment plans, future treatments, medicines, physiotherapy, mental therapy, etc.
- Understand insurance coverage and state laws.
The rules for covering the cost of accident losses vary from state to state. There are some no-fault states where your own insurer will cover the medical bills and lost wages. In such states, every driver depends on their insurer for compensation.