
What’s the Most Common Cause of a Crash Between a Car and a Motorcycle?

All know that riding a motorcycle can be a precarious way to travel.

Yet it’s a lot of fun as well. That’s why humans do it.

A few simple things any rider knows to do to keep healthy in their car, sports bike, or traveling cruiser. The first concept is to wear safety clothing all the time. Helmets also save lives.

However, a sunny afternoon drive might take a dangerous turn on the highway that results in fatal crashes and significant personal injury.

 A host of varying situations may cause motorcycle accidents. Others can include the motorcyclist’s negligent action or poor driving, but another vehicle’s negligence induces many more on the path.

The inability of motorists to identify and understand motorcycles in congestion is the most frequent cause of motorcycle crashes. Given the small size of a bike, its illumination can be reduced by glare or interference on other vehicles’ pavement. It came as a surprise, though, that when motorists do not see the motorcyclist and do not allow the right-of-way, intersections are among the most frequent sites for accidents.

Injury lawyer Ottawa presents you with the most frequent causes of motorcycle crashes. Read this post to read to and how to avoid the top causes of motorcycle crashes.

  • Path hazardous condition

Numerous motorcycles are susceptible to unsafe road conditions.

For a motorcyclist, whether a vehicle can rebound quickly can prove fatal. Many motorcycle accidents are caused by slow roads, loose asphalt, broken concrete, or other highway debris.

They are also more susceptible to dangerous traffic conditions as the bikes are much smaller than commercial cars and do not have much traction.

  • The car turns right to the left in front of you.

The careless left-turn driver is easily one of the most frequent and possibly the most dangerous motorcycle accidents. Usually, the situation starts with a motorcyclist and a motorist traveling from opposite directions entering a four-way junction at the very same time. Without even a green signal, the driver begins to turn left and right in front of the motorcyclist because they have not “seen” the smaller car nearing.

  • Motorcycle Injuries Switching Lane

In this scenario, while they are right next to you, a vehicle begins to merge into your lane. This arises when you’re sitting next to a car on a four-lane road that doesn’t pay much attention or can’t see you. Motorcycles in the blind spots of a driver’s vehicle are quickly obstructed.

  • Vehicles Joining

A persistent danger to motorcyclists is often larger cars shifting lanes or merging. When changing lanes, the smaller ride will become easier to skip. Due to your smaller scale, you could be wholly eclipsed in a blind spot. Never stay in the blind place of a motorist or trucker to help prevent sideswipe collisions.

  • Inexperienced conductors

Younger drivers are in danger of risky traffic movements that could adversely affect other drivers’ safety.

  • Drink drive

A relatively high percentage of motorbike crashes include drunk motorcyclists. Many drunk driving collisions are single-vehicle collisions, which means that either the passenger is wounded or killed in them. Thankfully, the reason is straightforward: never alcohol before driving your car, always.

  • Speeding

Excessive speed, the most significant cause in all forms of car crashes, limits the likelihood of noticing and responding to other vehicles in time to stop a collision. The higher the velocity, the more excellent the effect, and the more extreme the results.


  • Accidents at Dooring

It is considered a door crash when a driver opens their car’s gates in front of an approaching motorcyclist. They might damage the door of their vehicle, but the passenger might be critically wounded. Protect door collisions by never line of traffic one side of you with stopped traffic.

  • Rapidly Moving Around

It is risky to take a turn too hard in any car, but more so on a motorcycle. Your turning speed is still slow, even though the road appears free of all dirt and other barriers.

  • Defects on bikes.

Any accidents or deaths resulting from the defective part’s use may be held responsible by the maker of a badly constructed or produced motorcycle part.

Although most people think of manufacturing faults as an automobile problem, faulty wheels can be a bigger motorcycle problem. The defects also allow the rubber to break from the tire, creating a blowout. When this happens, most bikers are unable to keep balance, leading to a severe accident.


When you’ve been in a collision lately and are willing to pursue immediate action, call your Ottawa personal injury & family lawyer today. Our law firm partners with people who have been involved in a motorcycle crash to help them obtain money for their medical injury and get their lives back on track.