Companion care allows a family to employ non-medical home care services for older adults. Companion differs from personal home care service. The initial objective of companion care is to nourish emotional aid for the elderly.
Valley Forge home care services would be the best solution to ensure your older adult gets the best companion service. However, you need to be aware of a couple of things. For instance, the first step is to look out for the signs that may indicate the need for companion services for the elderly.
Signs that the older adult needs companion services.
- Less interaction
After a while, older adults find it more comfortable to stay in isolation. They usually don’t get out of the house, avoid interacting with people, or remain quiet and silent completely. It is an immediate sign to companion service in Philadelphia.
They are avoiding interaction points directly towards emotional support. Older adults find it difficult to talk to people after some time quickly. It means that they may need emotional support to help them get back to normal.
- Skipping or forgetting medications
Yet another sign to keep an eye out for is medications. When the elderly tend to forget to take their medicines or entirely skip, it is critical. Being daily medications or weekly doses, they must intake those without missing.
Older adults need medicines to recover from an illness. Skipping them won’t do any good. Slowly and gradually, introduce your older adults to companion services and ensure they do not miss or forget medications.
- Poor personal hygiene
As the elderly get older, it becomes difficult to perform daily tasks voluntarily. One of which is maintaining personal hygiene. Cleanliness is vital for anyone. Older adults may not find it easy to go to the bathroom or get dressed after a shower.
Inadequate personal hygiene can lead to skin ailments or other illnesses that lead to sickness. To avoid the latter, hiring a companion service for the older adults would be in your best interest.
- Loss of weight
It is a myth that as we get older, we lose weight. It is untrue, as one daily eats nutrition in their appetite. Loss of weight may be another indication that older adults need companionship. Sometimes, they eat alone, which subtly reduces their food intake.
A companion service may diminish that by helping them eat healthy food daily.